Giỏ hàng


OverviewAs a company operating in the area of Freight Forwarding, International Transporting, Consulting Customs procedure, we understand our mission and can stand firmly in the competitive environment which becomes  increasingly fierce based on our strength in providing the best quality of services, for purpose of achieving customer satisfaction and beyond expectations.


In English: meaning of VAST is great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope.
In Vietnamese: V stands for Viet Nam-A stands for Air-S stands for Sea-T stands for Transportation.
For meaning of business, logo is designed as the shape of ship, which has two red extending wings like a plane, is flying for transporting cargos. Besides that, logo has two main colors which are Red and Orange. Red is the symbol of strength, determination and passion. Orange is the symbol of effort, attraction, and creativeness


With advantages of geological position such as having a lot of ports and border gates, and stable politics, Viet Nam has attracted many foreign investors. This is an opportunity for VAST with our own experience, intelligence and view to become the leader company of Viet Nam in forwarding area, logistics, and consulting customs procedure. 
VAST wish to become a trustworthy partner with foreign companies
 which are the same area business and have a desire to co-operate as well as develop services in Viet Nam market. VAST is the reliable model of state institutions.
VAST also brings value of physics as well as spirits to staff which is the motivation for them to devote whole heart and full attention for the one main target that is Customer Satisfaction.  


Become a Company which has a strong brand in providing supply chain, Consulting customs procedure, Customs clearance procedure, Inland trucking, International multimodal transport, Warehousing services; and become the leading Company in the area of Logistics.


VAST realizes that the core factor for an enterprise being succeed is develop and manage human resources. Our mission is always enhance quality, professionalism in our services.

Worth pursuing